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FROM THE BEGINNING. Envision® comes from a collaboration between ISI, Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure, a non-profit organization based in Washington created specifically to develop sustainability rating systems for civil infrastructure, and the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure of Harvard University Graduate School of Design.

MISSION. Why is it important to listen to the territory in the design of an infrastructure? Why is it necessary to quantify its possible interactions with the environment? Envision® answers these questions, proposing to evaluate and then adopt those solutions that best fit the natural, anthropic and economic context in which the project is located, especially in the Italian territory. Measurements and criterion of Envision® helps to analyze the dimension of sustainability, considering them into the planning of community cost / benefit assessments, resource efficiency, participation and stakeholder involvement.

VISION. Reasoning on a long-term period with objectiveness, Envision® implements a new way of dialogue and comparison, for the benefit of all the subjects involved in the realization of infrastructures.

This rating system provides a tool to measure sustainability parameters in a project through a self-assessment and evaluation path which can continue within the project registration, going beyond with the following phases of evaluation, verification and finally certification by an independent Third Party Body.


Points obtained in evaluation phase can be considered then to evaluate the specific sustainability level.  Each credit could be identified as the list below suggests:

  1. Improved: performance above the standard;

  2. Enhanced: performance compliant to Envision® criterion;

  3. Superior: remarkable performance;

  4. Conserving: performance for a "zero impact infrastructure";

  5. Restorative: performance improving our natural and social system, restoring a compromised situation until the starting point.

It is possible to consider even extra credits, in terms of innovation and remarkable results. Certification level could be obtained in relation to the following list:

  • BRONZE AWARD: 20 points (%)

  • SILVER AWARD: 30 points (%)

  • GOLD AWARD: 40 points (%)

  • PLATINUM AWARD: 50 points (%)


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