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What is LEED?
LEED® - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design


LEED® - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - is a system of certification of building's sustainability that is born on a voluntary basis and is applied in over 140 countries worldwide. The LEED standard was born in America by the USGreen Building Council (USGBC), a non-profit association founded in 1993 whose aim is the promotion and development of a global approach to sustainability, giving recognition to virtuous performances in key areas such as environmental and human health.

What is GBC Italia?

Green Building Council Italia (GBC Italy) is a non-profit association that is part of the international network of GBCs present in many other countries; it is a member of the World GBC and a partner of USGBC. It shares with these associates the objectives:

  • to foster and accelerate the diffusion of a sustainable building culture, guiding the transformation of the market;

  • to raise awareness among public opinion and institutions on the impact that the methods of design and construction of buildings have on the quality of life of citizens;

  • to provide straightforward reference parameters to operators in the sector;

  • to increase the comparison between operators of the sector by creating a sustainable building community.

Thanks to a partnership agreement with USGBC, GBC Italia adapts to the Italian reality and promotes the LEED® independent certification system whose parameters establish precise criteria for the design and construction of healthy, energy-efficient buildings with a low environmental impact.

GBC Italia promotes a process of transformation of the Italian construction market: the certification system linked to the LEED® brand establishes, in fact, a market value for "green building", stimulates competition among companies on the theme of environmental performance of buildings and encourages conscious consumer behavior even among end users.

GBC Italia is an organization able to network the most competitive Italian and international companies operating in the sustainable building sector and to facilitate dialogue among the most qualified professional communities.

What is GBC HB?

Green Building Council Italia has developed a new rating system for the certification of buildings subject to conservation interventions, called GBC Historic Building®, based on the LEED® system matrix and, in particular, to the LEED®Italia 2009 New Construction and Renovations.
This rating system, which is a worldwide novelty, certifies the level of sustainability of the recovery and redevelopment of existing buildings with specific requirements that are able to consider the aspects related to the scope of the historical value of the property, as well as the effectiveness of an intervention strategy aimed at conservation and enhancement. The recognition of the testimonial value of a historic building is an integral part of a sustainable design process aimed at safeguarding and enhancing the cultural heritage. In fact, sustainable buildings present greater attractiveness for users thanks to the possibility of an increase in worker productivity resulting from the improvement of environments and working conditions.

What is GBC Home?

GBC HOME® has been developed specifically considering the housing characteristics and the differences in the construction model typical of the Italian reality, inspired by the LEED protocol. This rating system promotes healthiness, durability, economy and best environmental practices in the design and construction of buildings.

GBC Home® is formulated for small and large residential buildings, from single-family buildings to condominiums up to 10 floors, which may also include a small part intended for non-residential functions, such as offices, commercial activities, etc. This protocol can also be applied to holiday farms and accommodation facilities with up to 50 beds.

What is LEED for Cities?

LEED for Cities is the new certification system that combines environmental sustainability and social welfare aspects with municipal analyzes, based on LEED, the most widespread certification system in the world for green buildings.

LEED for Cities is a useful tool that provides cities with a structure to measure and manage the performance of water consumption, energy use, and evaluation of the usability of public transport services; the production of waste, and social well-being (Human Experience) which provides for the identification of social welfare parameters to evaluate the equality, education, income, and the state of health of citizens.

What is a GBC Pro Reviewer?

USGBC Pro Reviewers are experts in green building and sustainability who review courses on Education @USGBC. They provide detailed feedback to the course creators, as well as on the course page. This feedback helps the course creators improve their education and helps other users decide whether or not the course is a good fit for them.

What are C.A.M.?

The Minimum Environmental Criteria (Criteri Ambientali Minimi - CAM) for the building industry were introduced with the decree of 24 December 2015 of the Ministry of the Environment, and made mandatory by the new Code of Public Contracts. They are born in application of the "Action Plan for the sustainability of consumption in the Green Public Procurement (PAN GPP)", adopted by the Minister of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea in 2008, with the aim of defining the minimum environmental criteria that public administrations must apply for construction works, to ensure that their tender procedures are "green".

CAM for the building industry have as their object the building as a whole and the components of the various phases of design, construction and management. The criteria can be applied for contracts for new construction, renovation and maintenance of buildings and for the management of construction sites.

The document shows that there are numerous elements of convergence between the CAM and the LEED - GBC certification protocols; in the paragraph 'Verification' it is, in fact, written as follows:

"If the project is subjected to a valid verification phase for the subsequent certification of the building according to one of the national / international environmental / energy sustainability protocols (rating systems), compliance with this criterion can be demonstrated if all the requirements referring to the environmental performances referred to in this criterion are met. In such cases the designer is exempt from the presentation of the documentation indicated above, but the presentation of the documents and / or documents required by the specific certification protocol pursued is required."


Well (Well Building Standard™) is the name of the new international protocol that studies our level of health and well-being in the buildings.

Although it is not easy to identify the factors characterising this study, the aim is to evaluate a number of components in order to obtain certification (psychophysical well-being, acoustic comfort, thermal comfort, movement, light, nutrition, water, air, materials and community).

This analysis, managed from the International WELL Building Institute™ (IWBI), is released from the GBCI (Green Business certification Inc.) and from other authoritative institutions.

The goal is the evaluatation of the building, about is ability to guarantee the well-being of the people included in it using renewable resources, environmental sustainability and landscape protection. This holistic approach that focuses attention on the health and mental well-being of those who will occupy new architectural spaces: this pre-design phase is  the earliest planning moment, providing a high quality product and reducing risks and long-term maintenance costs.

We spend about 90% of our time indoors, and our physical environment impacts our health more than lifestyle, medical care and genetics. For companies, investing in people and helping to improve their physical and mental health is common sense: 90% of corporate expenses are tied to salary and benefits, which means the ROI of healthier and happier employees extends to cost-savings, too.

What is WELL?

Envision® is the first rating system to project sustainable infrastructure adopting an analysis grid adaptable to any infrastructure development. Envision® is an independent evaluation tool that can concretely support companies, designers, public administrations and citizens in the infrastructure world. In relation to economic investments, respect for the ecosystem, climate and environmental risk, durability, leadership and improving the quality of life, Envision® analyzes infrastructure context holistically starting from project beginning, going through its development  and long-term sustainability.


With Envision® you can design and build roads, railways, ports, airports, power lines, power plants, communication networks, etc., based on the objective measurement of benefits that project itself has towards the community, management and maintenance skills throughout useful life. 


Infrastructure is the way our roads are built and how they connect with one another. It’s the buildings where we live and work, and provides a basis for personal security, public health, and it impacts economic viability and competitiveness of our cities. Considering today’s world, infrastructure is often underfunded and overlooked until it breaks down and communities are impacted. So, for these and other aspects is very important to project better and sustainable infrastructure.

What is Fitwel?

Fitwel is the latest certification system created for commercial and existing buildings interested in multi or single - tenant which can provide guidelines to design, build and manage healthier buildings. Health and well-being are increasingly at the centre of the project and in construction activities; we are considering them much as before for their fundamental role in the executive and management building phases.

Low certification costs and greater flexibility compared to the other certification systems make it stand out; Fitwel assumes that any building or office in it can be improved through accurated operations and changing them in a healthier workplace, without considering several elements like size, position or age of the building. Its development is entrusted to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the General Services Administration (GSA) while the Center for Active Design (Cfad) is the manager of Fitwel and follows its spread throughout the world.


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Architect  LEED®AP  BD+C
USGBC Pro Reviewer
Chapter Marche GBC ITALIA

Via Giuseppe Verdi, 26

63822 Porto San Giorgio (FM) Italy

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